
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2018


SO  (tan, así, entonces) y  SUCH  (semejante, tal, tan, tanto), suelen confundir. VOY a intentar explicar sus diferencias y cómo se utilizan.  PARTE I Observa estos ejemplos: •   I didn't like the film. The plot was so boring!!     (No disfruté de la película. ¡¡La trama era tan aburrida!!) •   I didn't enjoy the film. It was such a boring plot!!     (No disfruté de la película. ¡¡Era una historia tan aburrida!!) 1. CON ADJETIVO SIN SUSTANTIVO SE USA "SO":      Ejemplos:  so  stupid  (tan tonta). 2. CON ADJETIVO Y SUSTANTIVO SE USA "SUCH":      Ejemplos:  such  a stupid story  (una historia tan tonta). También puedes usar SO con un adverbio sin sustantivo. Por ejemplo:                        Peter drives so quickly that …  (Pedro conduce tan rápido que …) PARTE II Tanto  SO  como  SUCH  refuerzan el significado de un adjetivo.  Observa: •   It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It


Usaremos was/were going to para hablar sobre planes que hicimos en el pasado y no sucedieron o no sucederán en el futuro. was / were going to,  and was / were supposed to . past be going to + infinitive supposed to + infinitive meaning was / were going to + infinitive supposed to + infinitive We often use was / were going to or was / were supposed to to apologise   for not doing something. We usually give a reason . Sorry, I was going to call you back last night, but I didnʼt get home until late . was / were going to: past be going to + infinitive meaning was / were going to + infinitive To talk about plans we made in the past which didnʼt happen , or wonʼt happen in the future. We were going to visit the Bradleys later that year, but we didnʼt go for ...  [some reason] (They planned to visit the Bradleys, but they didnʼt visit them.) We


Shou ld Se usa "should" para dar o pedir consejo o para dar opiniones en el presente: "I have a terrible stomachache." "You  should  go to the doctor's." "I haven’t heard from my father." "You  should   call him." "She's not happy with the salary offered." "She  shouldn't  accept the job." Forma Se usa  " should" / "shouldn't" + el infinitivo del verbo principal (sin "to")   Ejemplo   I You He, She, It We They should do more exercise. get a new car. shouldn't (should not) smoke. spend so much money. Should I you he / she / it we they get more qualifications? wear something different? Should have Se usa "should have" para dar su opinión o pedir su opi