Used to + verb describes a past situation that is no longer true I used to go scuba diving. It is best to avoid using ‘used to’ in negative forms or questions although some native speakers do this in informal situations. It is better to use the Past Simple in those situations. 1 A past habit 'Used to' describes something was an old habit that stopped in the past. It shows that there was repetition in the past but it probably doesn’t occur now. My dad used to do Aikido. We used to go skiing every winter. I used to love sushi but I seem to have gone off it now. 2 Facts and generalisations in the past 'Used to' can also describe past facts or generalisations that are no longer true . Danny used to live in England. Most people in the south of the country used to be farmers. Fred used to have a stressful job. Tess used to be fat. Now she has a great figure. Used to – Past Simple 'Used to' and the Past Simple can bot...